Giving and Getting "Cheers"

▼ What exactly are "Cheers"?

"Cheers" are like happy little boosts you can give to other players' Moments. Not only that, but the players receiving Cheers on their posts will also get a little Gold out of it—at not cost to you, we might add! For each one sent, the recipient player will receive 20 Gold as a bonus.


▼ How to Give Cheers

If you come across a really awesome Moment, you can give it Cheers by tapping the Cheers icon (located just above the Like icon) when viewing the post.

Your name will be added to the post's "Cheer Log", and 20 gold will be sent to the player who posted it.

*Images represent content still in development and subject to change.

▼ How to Check Your Cheers

When viewing a Moment that has received Cheers, you'll see a "Cheer Effect", where stamps of the players who've cheered this post will briefly dot the page.

And, just as with Likes, Comments, and Bookmarks, the number of Cheers a post has received will be shown just below its icon. (Keep in mind that only up to the 20 most recent Cheers will be shown in the Cheer Effect, so if you want yours to stand out, be sure to give Cheers to lots of other Moments!)

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*Images represent content still in development and subject to change.


▼ How to Receive Your Cheers and Gold

No need to worry! Cheers are automatically tallied to the cheered post.
Gold received for Cheers will also be automatically reflected in your funds balance.


▼ How to Check Senders

One way you can check who sent you cheers is via your Notifications feed.

*Images represent content still in development and subject to change.


You can also check the sender list for a specific Moment by tapping the number shown underneath the Cheers icon. This will display the post's "Cheer Log", which shows you the list of all players who gave that post Cheers.

*Images represent content still in development and subject to change.


▼ Daily Limits on Cheers

You can give Cheers up to 20 times a day, sending the designated player(s) bonus Gold each time. Once you've reached 20, you'll have to wait until the next game day before you can give Cheers to any other posts.


As for receiving Cheers, you can receive Cheers on posts up to 30 times a day. If you try sending a player Cheers who has already received their max amount for the day, you'll receive a pop-up like the one in the image below, and you will be unable to give Cheers to their Moment. In this situation, you'll have to wait and try giving that post Cheers again the next day.

*Images represent content still in development and subject to change.



#Cheers  #Moments  #posts  #Gold  #bonus  #social


Last Updated: 2024/3/22
Feel free to contact us if you still have any other questions or concerns.
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